Brewing hot coffee at home has been long thought of as a task that requires a lot of investing on the front end to get savings in the long run.
I’ve been there. I bought several fancy machines that require pods and filters and all sorts of other doodads, cleaning, and headaches. After the first couple of times, the entire thing gets old real quick.
So, I decided to figure out a way to make coffee easily, with as little money, time, and mess as possible. It just so happens that this way also ended up being both in line with my effort to become more non-toxic AND overall wasteful.
Get ready to get your mind blown…
For this method you will need:
A Glass Beverage Infuser (this is the one I use)
Ground Coffee or Espresso
Boiling Hot Water
What is a beverage infuser?
An infuser is simply a beverage device that includes a mesh basket or area that usually detaches & holds fruit, loose tea leaves, or coffee to allow the item to flavor the water which will fill the container. The longer the product is in contact with the water, the more flavorful the water will be.
Why use a GLASS infuser?
When brewing a hot beverage, it’s best to use glass because it will prevent the container melting (i.e. pouring boiling hot water into a plastic bottle will end in a pretty nasty melty mess). In addition, a lot of plastic containers are made with BPA which is a potential toxin. This toxin is increased if the container is heated per this article on
So, when using hot foods I try to opt for glass or stainless steel containers or if that’s not available, I look for plastic containers that are noted as BPA free.
Lastly, I own a cheapo coffee grinder almost like this one to grind my own beans right before I will brew my coffee. However, this is in not necessary and not always possible.
You can easily purchase ground coffee beans (aka regular coffee for a coffee maker), in a store or buy beans in bulk and grind them in a store that has a commercial size one. Either way, the coffee tastes best when it has not been ground and exposed to air for too long. So please keep this in mind. For a pretty strong brew, I use espresso beans for my coffee.
How To Easily Brew Hot Coffee At Home WITHOUT A Coffee Machine
1. Bring some water to a boil in a tea kettle or in a saucepan.
2. Disassemble the glass infuser and fill the inner silver mesh infuser with ground coffee or espresso, re-cover, and insert back into the infuser.
3. Pour the boiling water slowly over the infuser and let it drip into the infuser. Add more into the container slowly to make sure the container is full.
4. Cover the infuser and allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes or up to 20 minutes. You will notice that the water will start to get darker the longer it sits.

This is when I first poured the water into the container.
5. Once the coffee is to your desired color, remove the infuser and enjoy.

This is after sitting about 20 minutes. You can tell it’s a bit darker.
That’s it. I add whatever milk and sweetener I want that day and I’m ready to go.
As you may imagine, this recipe is designed for one person based on the size of the infuser. However, I will be showing you how to make a larger container of cold brew in the near future.
Have you ever brewed coffee without a coffee maker? Leave your answer in the comment section below.
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