Summer and corn go together like peanut butter and jelly. I could probably eat it prepared any way and that led me to pretty much hoarding ears of corn within the last couple of weeks just because it was on sale pretty much everywhere.
When I cleaned out my fridge when bringing home new groceries, I saw how much corn I had accumulated and freaked out because it needed to be eaten NOW!
So, I threw together this quick Easy Summer Corn Chowder recipe using some other veggies in the fridge. I originally shared it on my Instagram account, so be sure to follow over there.
All of the deets are included below, but please note that ALL OF MY RECIPES ARE MEANT TO BE GUIDELINES, not law.
The purpose of this is to encourage play and discovery in the kitchen. Besides, let’s get real, it’s very rare for us to be able to exactly recreate meals we eat at other places to the letter. That’s what makes those meals and restaurants special.
However, we can surely aim to get in the ballpark. And that is what I always do when I am craving a particular taste from a specific place. Not trying to be perfect, but just close enough.

In addition, like anyone that really cooks, I do not always stick to the script when it comes to measurements either. That’s why I’m a terrible baker.
All of the measurements below are rough and can certainly be added to slightly or taken away from slightly depending on how it tastes to you as you go along.
Use all of your senses when cooking. Stick your nose over the pot as things are being put together and blended. Take a (clean) spoon and taste the results up to that point and then taste it again as the veggies break down and caramelize a bit. Watch the foods to make sure they are all having some one-on-one time with the pan. And listen out for the change of the foods from a sizzle to a simmer as the cooking progresses.
I say this because these are all things you learn as you go along. No one is great at anything at first. Hell, depending on what I cook now, I will still burn it (damn that tricky rice). But, it’s all part of the process and science of it all.
Ok, so here’s the recipe.
Summer Corn Chowder
This recipe so happens to be officially vegan as written, but it can be turned vegetarian or also for omnivores with simple additions of butter, cheese, and even bacon to start with for the fat and oil to cook the rest of the veggies in.
The only thing I challenge you to do if you go that route, is to choose one non-vegan thing and not all at once to keep this as healthy as it can be. It’s easy to go out and purchase a less than healthy but hella delicious version of this chowder. But, isn’t it nice and fancy to learn how to make a healthy version that tastes just as good. I’m just saying.
You Will Need:
A Blender
1-2 Cups Chopped Potatoes (Russet or any hearty version will do well)
1 Yellow Onion Chopped
2-3 Cloves Garlic Minced
4-5 Small Sweet Peppers or 1 Red Pepper Chopped
1 Cup Baby Carrots Roughly Chopped
3 Ears of Fresh Corn (or 2 cups or slightly more of frozen might work)
1 Tablespoon Butter (Vegan or Not)
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
2 Cups Almond Milk
2 Cups (Plus Slightly More) Water
1/2 Tsp Cumin
Dash of Paprika
2 Bay Leaves
Salt & Pepper To Taste
1 Tablespoon Nutritional Yeast or 1/4 Cup Cheddar Cheese if desired (But taste before and as you add this)
1. Roughly chop all garlic, spring onions or any onions, potatoes, and peppers.
2. Cut corn kernels off 3 large corn cobs.
3. Add all to a stockpot with warmed olive oil until the veggies get tender. Add a pinch of salt to help the veggies break down.
4. Once they are tender, add 1 tablespoon butter (or vegan butter alternative which worked well for this). You may have to add more to taste later. Stir until the butter melts.
5. Add 2 cups almond milk and 2 cups water and bring to a boil.
6. Lower heat and let simmer for additional 20 minutes.
7. Add 1/2 tsp cumin, a dash of paprika, and salt & pepper to taste. I also added 2 bay leaves.
8. Add a tablespoon of nutritional yeast for additional savory flavor. Some people add some cheddar cheese though so do what’s right for you.
9. Once simmered for 20 minutes, take out the bay leaves.
10, Then take out half the soup and add to a blender. Blend until smooth.
10. Add blended soup back into the chunky soup. Mix and add additional seasoning to taste. And that’s it.
I added tomatoes and onions & green onions on top. It goes well with some chopped avocado on the side (firm avocado not mushy) with a dash of salt on them. This reheats well and believe it or not tastes pretty good as a kind of sauce on top mashed potatoes. Weird and carb loaded but it’s good to me.
Let me know if you try this recipe, either here or on my Instagram account.