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“What The Health” aka The Movie That Made Me Go Vegan/Plant Based (I’m Serious)

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If you called me on a random Saturday night, (ok, who am I kidding? It would really be any night of the week), I would more than likely be watching some sort of food documentary on Netflix or Youtube. It’s an obsession that has literally changed my life. It has surely has contributed heavily to the shift on this blog, and I am eternally grateful for it.

However, THE most life changing documentary I’ve seen to date has not yet made it’s way to Netflix.

A couple of weeks ago, I was able to attend the exclusive screening of the follow up to the acclaimed movie Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret by the filmmakers Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn. It is titled What The Health and deals with some of the unknown relationships between the medical industry, agriculture, and government and how we are getting ,(and staying), sick because of it.

In Cowspiracy, Kip and Keegan uncover how animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, pollution, and water consumption. Kip approached some leaders in the environmental movement and quickly learned how his pursuit for the truth could be a threat to his personal freedom. In the end, Kip concluded that the best solution to many, if not all, of these problems is to move towards a more plant based lifestyle. This movie can be watched in it’s entirety on Netflix or directly on the movie’s website HERE.

BUT, to be honest, that movie, (or any of the others I watched up until that point), had not moved me enough to make a big change in my diet. I mean, yes, I was about 80% plant based at that time but I just could not completely give up meat and cheese.

That was until I saw Kip and Keegan’s new movie “What The Health“. And just like that, my family and I  decided to give this plant based diet a go.

What was it about this movie that led to this switch? 

What The Health does an amazing job of making the need for Americans to switch to a more plant based diet extremely personal. Granted, other movies have touched on the potentially ill effects of a diet heavy in meat before, but it was this one that connected all the dots for me. The effort and clear evidence laid out during the course of this movie not only made for dramatic, (albeit unfortunately very real), “entertainment”, BUT also leaves the audience with numerous starting points to continue their own research as soon as the lights come up at the end of the show.

After watching What The Health, I was honestly PISSED OFF! I literally walked out of the theater fuming. However, what amazed and comforted me was how the spark lit that evening WOULD NOT DIE DOWN. I knew I not only had to see it again, but also needed those I love to watch it as well.

Some of the most powerful moments for me were of Kip interviewing the head of the American Diabetic Association only to be asked to leave when he started asking questions about nutrition. Another is of him attempting to interview a doctor who later canceled their meeting only to have their PR person meet him outside admitting their meeting on nutrition could be detrimental to the doctor because he makes money off the surgeries he performs for the hospital. Knowing this was real life just blew my mind.

These along with interviews from some of the many fact based medical leaders in the plant based movement such as Dr. Neal Barnard & Dr. Michael Greger, (who’s book “How Not To Die” is a MUST HAVE for anyone even remotely interested in their health), and more, helped create a film even the most skeptical of meat eaters have a hard time disagreeing with.

Another aspect I truly appreciated was this film’s diversity. As I mentioned, I’ve watched A LOT of food documentaries. I must say that it’s both awesome and upsetting that this was one of the first I’ve seen including African Americans as part of the panel of experts AND as one of the victims. I’m not sure whether it was intentional, but I applaud Kip and Keegan for doing this. As a minority myself, I know that it’s extraordinarily effective to be inclusive of all races to make this “radical” message relatable and personal for everyone. I was definitely sending them mental high fives while watching this in the theater that night.

Overall, Kip and Keegan did a phenomenal job presenting an undeniable argument for moving towards a more plant based diet. Studies have shown time and time again that a diet rich in fruits and veggies not only prevents many of the diseases we have come to fear such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, BUT can actually reverse them.

My friend Clarisa Alayeto has done exactly this. Clarissa has  almost completely reversed her diagnosis of type 2 diabetes by changing her diet to mostly plant based while incorporating a more active lifestyle. At the time of this post being published, she has lowered her A1C levels, (the measure used to check blood glucose levels), to within 1 POINT of normal non-diabetic levels. ALL WITHOUT MEDICATION! Be sure to check out her complete story in my post Real Women On Health, Fear, and The Art Of Living Well: Clarisa Alayeto and How She’s Kicking Diabetes’ Butt

I would, and have recommended anyone who will listen to watch this film. The people I’ve convinced to see it have since made major mind shifts in it’s wake.

And oh yeah, I have made the switch to a completely plant based diet. As of hitting publish on this post, it’s been 26 days and I have no intention of going back. I’ve been posting pics of my meals along my journey on Instagram account @itsmeladyg, so be sure to stop by there and check it out.  Thanks Kip and Keegan!

If you are interested in watching the film today, get more information and a link to the film at




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