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Real Women On Health, Fear, And The Art Of Living Well: Yenory Pouncil

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Living in the space of health and wellness requires guts and bravery. That’s what I’m learning the longer I’m in it.

That’s why I’m always happy to find other women willing to inspire others to join them on this beautiful journey.

Today I will be introducing you the next fearlessly awesome woman in my Real Woman On Health, Fear, And The Art of Living Well series…Yenory Pouncil.

Yenory Pouncil is the powerhouse behind the website and community Yenory started the website after dealing with her own health journey in 2010. She was able to lose over 25 pounds and keep them off for over 5 years and help other women make healthy changes in their life.

It is because of this dedication that I wanted to share Yenory’s story with you.

Yenory Pouncil


1. Tell Us A Little About Yourself
My name is Yenory Pouncil, I am the Garifuna Afro-Latina behind, a community that empowers women of color to live healthy and happy, by sharing healthy meal prep recipes, tips to balance healthy living and healthy exercises.
2. What was the one moment or thing that happened in your life which sent you down your new path and/or approach to life?

When I graduated from undergraduate school, I found myself battling depression. I was in a very dark space mentally, emotionally and physically. To celebrate I went home to Honduras to visit my family, this trip changed my life. For the first time, I faced my challenges head on and learned how to address them. I learned to eat clean, exercise, and balance healthy living.


3. What is your definition of “going against the grain” when it comes to health and wellness?

“Going against the grain” means not being afraid to embrace health and wellness no matter what others say or think. To live a healthy and happy you must be willing to go against the norm. Often, I say no to events, foods, drinks, and activities that do not support my lifestyle. People used to make fun of me, and now they ask me how they can make healthier changes. for their lives. Going against the grain, simply means, live your life and lead by example, no matter who is watching.


4. What is your experience/feedback you’ve noticed when sharing that information with others?

You must meet people where they are. I love sharing my journey, but I had to learn that everyone moves at their own pace. My job is to inspire,educate, and motivate. If you want people to take you serious, you must start by taking yourself seriously. When you share your story, people are willing to listen to you and open to your message.



5. How do you think fear plays a role in people’s exploration (or lack thereof) when it comes to their health?

Unfortunately, fear has a way of holding us back. We tend to be afraid to go against the norm, afraid of what is new or different, we are afraid of what others might think about us and our choices. Therefore, it is critical that you take your health seriously. You must stand up for your body and protect it.


6. What advice would you give to someone that is just starting on their wellness journey?

Take your time. We all want to see results fast, but we should be patient with ourselves. Remember that you did not get to where you are overnight. Starting this journey will feel like being reborn. You are going to need to be open to new flavors, new foods, and lots of trial and error. Start with reading labels. Reviewing labels will help you understand what is in your food and open your eyes to what you are putting in your body.


7. Where can we find more information on your journey?
You can learn more about be at or on social media.
Twitter @_iamhealthyfit, Instagram @iamhealthyfit or facebook


I would like to thank Yenory for being part of this great series. Be sure to check her out through the links to her community above.




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