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SubPod In-Garden Compost System: Set Up & Review

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Are you interested in buying the SubPod In-Garden Composting System? I recently embarked on an easy composting journey at home with the help of a Subpod. My family and I put it together, creating an external garden bed with a built-in composter. Be sure to read to the end if you’re interested in this product. We have an exclusive discount promo coupon code.

subpod garden composting system

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The Subpod In Garden Compost Bin features two chambers for food scraps and organic waste to turn into compost and rich soil. Subpod’s unique design is much different than traditional systems.

Some of their products allow the option of creating an in-ground compost system within a raised garden bed. Their other compost systems which can be used in a variety of garden designs, even a small patio. 

The big advantage to using a SubPod Composting system is that the hard work of traditional composting is almost eliminated. And using their composting garden beds make it easy to start gardening right away.

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What is the SubPod Compost Garden Bed?

The SubPod Compost Garden Bed system is a modular composting system that takes many of the traditional methods of composts and makes it easier. With a unique 360-degree ventilation system, users empty their food scraps into the chambers of the SubPod which is turned into healthy compost with the help of composting worms (purchased separately). 

The worm castings or worm manure can be added to your garden’s soil as a natural amendment to help improve the soil fertility. This biological process and SubPod’s in-ground design takes the manual work out of maintaining a smelly compost pile. 

Where to buy composting worms? 

We bought our composting worms from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm. It was easy to purchase them and they arrived safely. In the unlikely event they did not arrive ok, their customer service team will help with a replacement. 

How Many Worms Does A SubPod Compost Need?

The SubPod Compost instructions recommended we purchase 2000 composting worms. We purchased our box of composting worms from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm. The box of compost worms arrived with 2,000 worms divided into two bags, perfectly suited for spreading between the two available chambers in our Subpod. Our daughter surprisingly wasn’t squeamish at all as she helped with this family project. As a finishing touch, she placed a soaked top blanket on the unit, and we eagerly await the next step in our composting journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Assembling the Subpod with the family creates a shared learning experience
  • Preparing the composting unit includes using worms from a reputable supplier
  • Even young children can participate and learn the importance of composting.

SubPod Compost Setup

Garden Bed

I assembled the Subpod garden bed, which serves as an external part for the composter. It was a team effort to put it together, and it really helped enhance the gardening experience. The garden bed adds a nice aesthetic to the overall setup and makes it more visually appealing.

SubPod Composter

The Subpod composter has two chambers and comes with instructions right on the lid, making it easy for me to set up. I placed the composter inside the garden bed, and it fits well with the overall design. In order to set up the composting unit, I needed to add some carbon in the form of paper or cardboard. I used some bits of cardboard that I had lying around, and it worked nicely.

I ordered 2,000 composting worms from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm to help with the composting process. These worms were added to the two chambers of the Subpod, with about a thousand in each chamber.

With the worms in place, we made it a family project to finalize their habitat. We soaked the top blanket and carefully placed it over the worms in both chambers. Our Subpod composting unit is now set up with the worms in their respective chambers, and we are all looking forward to seeing the results of our exciting new composting system.

Preparing Subpod

Adding Carbon

As I set up my Subpod composting unit, the first step was to add a carbon-rich material to help the decomposition process. I decided to use cardboard pieces from boxes I had lying around the house. It’s important to ensure that the cardboard is shredded or broken into smaller pieces to help the composting worms break it down more easily.

Top Blanket Installation

Once the carbon material was in place, we added 2,000 composting worms that I ordered from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm. They came in two bags, each containing around 1,000 worms. We divided them evenly between the two chambers of the Subpod. With the worms in their new home, the next step was to cover them with the top blanket provided. To make this a fun family project, our daughter helped us by soaking the top blanket in water and then placing it on top of the cardboard and worms.

The SubPod is not only an effective compost system but also a comfortable garden seat. The sturdy design supports up to 200 kg (440 lbs), allowing users to take a break and relax while tending to their garden.

Additionally, the SubPod system is designed to be sustainable and environmentally friendly. Its construction reduces the need for chemical fertilizers in the garden and can cut household waste by up to 50%, contributing to a healthier planet.

Working of SubPod Composting System

Composting Process

The SubPod composting system combines traditional composting and vermicomposting (worm composting) methods. Organic waste is broken down by microbes and composting worms within the system, contributing to the production of nutrient-rich compost. As waste is added to the system, worms continuously consume the materials and create valuable nutrients, which can be utilized to nourish the surrounding garden.

Ventilation System

Proper aeration is a crucial aspect of any composting system. The SubPod uses a well-designed ventilation system that enables efficient airflow throughout the compost chambers. This promotes the activity of the microbes and composting worms while preventing the buildup of foul odors. Additionally, the ventilation system helps maintain the optimal temperature and moisture levels required for successful composting.

Dual Compost Chamber

The SubPod features a dual compost chamber that allows for continuous composting while minimizing disruptions to the process. The design ensures that one section can be used to add new waste materials while the other is left to fully decompose. This compartmentalization not only streamlines the composting process, but also prevents overloading of the system and promotes the even distribution of nutrients.

Microbial Action

The effectiveness of the SubPod composting system relies heavily on the activity of beneficial microbes and worms. These organisms work together to break down organic materials within the system, releasing vital nutrients that can be absorbed by plant roots. The presence of both microbes and worms ensures that the composting process occurs efficiently and consistently, resulting in a high-quality end product.

Components of SubPod In-Garden Compost System

Material Composition

The SubPod in-garden compost system is primarily constructed with steel material, making it a durable and long-lasting solution for composting needs. The steel stands up well to outdoor elements, ensuring the compost system will last for years to come. The modular design allows for easy expansion, accommodating growing compost needs. Along with steel, SubPod includes insulator materials that help to regulate the internal temperature, ensuring optimal conditions for the compost worms to thrive.

Design and Aesthetics

SubPod’s in-garden worm farm sports a sleek, low-profile design that seamlessly blends in with any garden setting. The versatile compost system can be easily buried within a garden bed, allowing worms to freely move between the compost and surrounding soil. The neutral color palette is unobtrusive, complementing a wide range of garden styles.

The system is designed with a divider panel that separates the compost into two chambers. This allows for efficient usage of space and ensures the composting process is well managed. As worms work through one chamber, fresh organic waste can be added to the other, keeping the process continuous.

Composting Accessories

To enhance the functionality of the SubPod in-garden compost system, a few additional accessories are included:

  • Worm blankets: These are placed on top of the compost pile to provide insulation, retaining moisture, and offering a cozy environment for the worms to thrive.
  • Aerator: This tool is used to mix and aerate the compost, promoting oxygenation and assisting in speeding up the decomposition process.

The SubPod compost system is designed to accommodate easy assembly and disassembly. This modular approach allows for effortless expansion or relocation of the composting system as needed. Overall, the SubPod in-garden compost system provides a functional, attractive, and user-friendly solution for effective composting in any garden setting.

Installation and Maintenance of SubPod Compost System

Installation Process

Installing the SubPod compost system is a simple and easy process that can be done by anyone. First, choose a suitable location in your garden where the system will receive adequate sunlight and have access to soil. Then, dig a hole according to the dimensions provided in the user manual to accommodate the SubPod. Once the hole is prepared, place the SubPod unit inside and level the surface with the surrounding soil. Fill the unit with a mixture of greens (nitrogen-rich) and browns (carbon-rich) materials to initiate the composting process.

Maintenance Routine

SubPod’s in-garden compost system is designed to be low maintenance and carefree. Here are some essential steps to ensure efficient composting and longevity of the system:

  • Aerating the contents: Give the compost materials an occasional turn using a shovel or pitchfork, which will facilitate air circulation and enhance decomposition. This can be done once every one or two weeks.
  • Balancing the ingredients: Maintain the ideal ratio of greens and browns by adding an equal amount of carbon-rich and nitrogen-rich materials to the compost pile. This will prevent foul odors and ensure a mess-free composting experience.
  • Monitoring moisture: To create ideal composting conditions, check the moisture levels in the SubPod system periodically. The materials should be damp but not soaked. If the contents are too dry, add water; if too wet, add more browns to balance the moisture.
  • Inspecting for pests: Occasionally check for the presence of undesirable pests such as rodents or ants in the compost pile. Using tight-fitting lids can prevent their access to the system and maintain a carefree composting environment.
  • Harvesting the compost: When the compost is dark, crumbly, and earthy-smelling, it is ready to be used. Regularly remove finished compost from the bottom of the unit to use in your garden and make room for new materials.

Following these maintenance steps will ensure a smooth, efficient, and low-maintenance composting experience with the SubPod system. Interested in the SubPod Composting System? Use coupon code WELLWITHTIFFANY at checkout for an exclusive discount.

Benefits of SubPod In-Garden Compost System

Benefit to Garden and Soil

SubPod In-Garden Compost System offers an innovative and efficient way to improve the health of your garden and soil. By composting food waste within the garden bed, SubPod introduces essential nutrients and organic matter to the surrounding soil, creating a robust environment for plant growth.

Composting with SubPod also ensures the soil in your garden obtains a balance of moisture and air, as the system promotes healthy microbial activity and proper aeration. The result is rich soil, optimal for cultivating a thriving green space.

Impact on Food Waste Management

The SubPod In-Garden Compost System addresses the food waste crisis by providing a sustainable way to manage and recycle food scraps. Instead of consigning them to landfills where they generate harmful greenhouse gases, SubPod users can convert their food waste into valuable organic fertiliser right in their gardens.

Implementing SubPod supports a circular economy, enabling gardeners to grow more food using fewer resources. It also helps communities better handle their food waste, reducing the system’s environmental footprint.

Aesthetic Appeal

In addition to its functional benefits, the SubPod In-Garden Compost System is an attractive addition to any garden. With a sleek, unobtrusive design, it seamlessly blends into the garden landscape, making for an aesthetically pleasing composting solution.

SubPod offers easy maintenance, eliminating any unpleasant odours typically associated with composting. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals and communities looking to incorporate sustainable practices in their green spaces without compromising on appearance or comfort.

What to Compost with SubPod System

Kitchen Scraps

The SubPod system is designed to handle most common types of food waste, making it easy to compost your kitchen scraps. This includes fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells. To ensure even decomposition and reduce odors, it is essential to balance the ratio of green and brown materials. Green materials are high in nitrogen, such as food scraps, while brown materials are high in carbon, such as leaves and paper. Some examples of kitchen scraps to compost with your SubPod system are:

  • Fruit and vegetable scraps
  • Coffee grounds
  • Eggshells
  • Bread and pasta

It is important to avoid adding meat, dairy, and processed food to the SubPod system as they can attract pests and create unpleasant odors.

Garden Scraps

In addition to kitchen waste, the SubPod system can also process various garden waste items. This includes leaves, small branches, and other plant materials that can be easily broken down. Some common garden scraps suitable for composting with your SubPod system are:

  • Leaves
  • Grass clippings
  • Small branches
  • Sawdust

When using materials like cardboard and paper, make sure they are torn into small pieces and not coated with any plastic or chemicals. This ensures proper decomposition and maintains a healthy balance within your compost.

Remember to maintain a proper balance between green and brown materials, as this ensures optimal decomposition, reduces odors, and maintains a pleasant environment for the worms in your SubPod system. By regularly adding these materials, you can keep your compost healthy and productive, helping create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

Purchase and Shipping Details

Purchasing Information

Subpod offers a range of in-garden compost systems suitable for different household needs. The most popular model, the Subpod Classic, is perfect for a family of 4. The SubPod In-Garden Raised bed makes it easy to compost smell-free while making it a growth hub for your family. To purchase a Subpod compost system, customers can visit the official website and select the desired product. 

Shipping and Delivery

Subpod strives to provide efficient shipping and delivery of its compost systems. The company offers free shipping on certain products, like the Subpod Classic. Once a purchase is made, customers can expect their shipment to be processed and shipped out within a reasonable timeframe. Shipping times may vary depending on the destination and carrier, but Subpod aims to deliver products as quickly as possible to ensure a positive customer experience.


The Subpod in-garden compost system offers a practical solution to help protect our planet by diverting waste from landfills. This innovative system efficiently transforms organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, contributing to sustainable, organic food, and agriculture and making it possible to feed more people with fewer resources.

Subpod is beginner-friendly, allowing even those with little or no composting experience to participate in waste reduction and environmental stewardship. Its clear, step-by-step instructions and manageable design make it an accessible tool for people interested in adopting a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

By implementing this in-garden compost system, individuals and communities can actively reduce their ecological footprint. The Subpod product supports the global call to cherish and preserve our planet’s resources, making it an essential element in the quest for sustainable living.

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