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Why I Quit Drinking Coffee While Breastfeeding

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You’ve seen the tee shirts and memes…moms (generally) LOVE coffee. We basically run on the stuff because of the crazy things and schedules we have, it honestly is a necessity.

I’ve quit coffee lots of times throughout the years, which led me to finding and loving matcha (ground green tea leaves mixed with boiled water and consumed). Matcha seemed to give me the caffeine kick I needed without the crazy crash that coffee is notorious for. But to be honest, I truly like the taste of a good coffee. More specifically, I love strong tasting espressos (I’m drooling just thinking about it now).

When I was pregnant, I tried to stay away from coffee as much as possible because I didn’t want to unnecessarily stimulate my daughter in-utero. However, pregnancy fatigue is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. So, I did drink decaf when necessary. (Please Note: Decaf coffee is treated to remove the caffeine from the beans through a chemical process. As someone trying to stay away from potential toxins, this seems counterproductive and it is. However, I am all about balance and doing what’s best in real life. Drinking it in moderation was something that I was ok with, but please keep this reality into consideration.)




After I gave birth, the next level of fatigue set in and I started craving coffee again. With all the craziness of new mom life setting in, I started drinking all of my favorite gourmet coffee drinks: flat whites, macchiatos, lattes, and americanos.


Within the next couple of weeks after giving birth, I noticed myself sweating throughout the day. I checked with my doctor and was tole this was normal due to my hormones trying to balance themselves.

However, when I started drinking coffee on a regular basis, I experienced even more of an increase in sweating. Before drinking coffee, I would normally start sweating when I was about to begin a nursing session. After the java hit and for around 3 days after one cup, I would remain sweaty ALL DAY LONG! It was ridiculous and annoying.




I know, the best solution to all of this would’ve been to just quit all caffeinated beverages because it has the potential to cause so many issues. BUT COME ON, it’s cruel to ask a caffeine lover to completely quit especially as they step in parenthood.

This is why I have embraced Matcha. I’ve written about the benefits of matcha in my post here, so be sure to check it out. It does have a very different taste than coffee, but I think it is a great alternative.

Long story short, if you are a recent mom who is addicted to the java and notice you notice an increase in sweating, it might be the coffee. It’s sad but certainly possible.

Hopefully this was helpful. Please let me know if you’ve ever experienced this by leaving a comment below.

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